医療法人デンタルハート Y'sデンタルクリニック
名古屋 栄駅の近くにある同院は技術に定評があり、知名度がある一方、対応している一般治療と矯正のうち、矯正での集客に課題を抱えていました。今後は矯正や審美にも力を入れるべく行われたサイトリニューアルにて、当社はターゲット設定から提案。自然に醸し出される美しさを求める女性に対し、一般治療と矯正どちらにも対応が可能な強みを「機能と審美の両立」として表現、自分らしく健康的な人生に欠かせない新しい価値として提示しました。結果、ターゲット層はもちろん、審美に興味を持つ男性の来院も増加。施設もWebサイトのコンセプトを反映してフルリニューアルし、移転・オープンしています。
Located close to Nagoya’s Sakae Station, Y’s Dental has a well-established reputation for its skills and a certain degree of name recognition. However, although the clinic offered both general dental treatment and orthodontics service offerings, it was having trouble attracting clientele for the latter. For the overhaul of its website with the aim of placing more effort into orthodontic and dental esthetic services, we started by proposing that they set their target market. For women who seek a beauty that is exuded naturally, we expressed the clinic’s strength of being able to offer both general treatment and orthodontic treatment as “a balance of function and esthetics” and proposed it as a new value that was essential to living a healthy life in one’s own way. These efforts resulted not only in clientele from the target group increasing, but also an increase in male patients who were interested in esthetic dentistry. The facilities and the website were completely overhauled to reflect this concept, and the clinic relocated and opened in new premises.
- 北川 裕紀乃
Art Director
- 井出 裕太
- 井出 裕太
- 須川 美里
Technical Director
- 辻 良平
WebGL / Front-end Engineer
- 田上 澪
- 岩崎 航也
Back-end Engineer
- 細川 新之介
- 前田 耕司
Copy Writer
- 岩田 秀紀
- セントラルジャパン
Setting women who wanted a naturally exuded beauty rather than gorgeousness as the target, we made major changes to the client’s points of appeal. Positioning teeth as an important body part that supports day-to-day health, smiles from the heart, and inner beauty, we conveyed powerfully in the clinic’s mission statement the need to care for both function and esthetics over the long term. Along with visuals of women with naturally attractive smiles, we promoted the strength and appeal of the clinic in its ability to handle both general dentistry and orthodontic treatment as new value. The copy, which incorporates the message of “You can change yourself,” lies at the heart of the creative deliverables, symbolizing the value that this clinic’s strengths make it capable of offering.

Business card

Clinic card


experiences for impact.
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