• 2020 ~



    名古屋 栄駅の近くにある同院は技術に定評があり、知名度がある一方、対応している一般治療と矯正のうち、矯正での集客に課題を抱えていました。今後は矯正や審美にも力を入れるべく行われたサイトリニューアルにて、当社はターゲット設定から提案。自然に醸し出される美しさを求める女性に対し、一般治療と矯正どちらにも対応が可能な強みを「機能と審美の両立」として表現、自分らしく健康的な人生に欠かせない新しい価値として提示しました。結果、ターゲット層はもちろん、審美に興味を持つ男性の来院も増加。施設もWebサイトのコンセプトを反映してフルリニューアルし、移転・オープンしています。

    Located close to Nagoya’s Sakae Station, Y’s Dental has a well-established reputation for its skills and a certain degree of name recognition. However, although the clinic offered both general dental treatment and orthodontics service offerings, it was having trouble attracting clientele for the latter. For the overhaul of its website with the aim of placing more effort into orthodontic and dental esthetic services, we started by proposing that they set their target market. For women who seek a beauty that is exuded naturally, we expressed the clinic’s strength of being able to offer both general treatment and orthodontic treatment as “a balance of function and esthetics” and proposed it as a new value that was essential to living a healthy life in one’s own way. These efforts resulted not only in clientele from the target group increasing, but also an increase in male patients who were interested in esthetic dentistry. The facilities and the website were completely overhauled to reflect this concept, and the clinic relocated and opened in new premises.

  • 2020 ~



    全国の健康保険組合の赤字割合の増加という社会課題を背景に、2020年、同社はヘルスケアサービス領域へ新規参入。従業員の健康行動習慣化をサポートするサービス「SUNTORY+(サントリープラス)」をスタートしました。本プロジェクトはデザインパートナーとして、事業アイデアの創出からプロダクト開発、グロースまでフルコミット。デジタルプロダクトを基点に「サービスのありたい姿」を具体化し、クライアントとの共創を通して事業の可能性を広げ続けています。 ※こちらのプロジェクトはグループ会社である株式会社グッドパッチ在籍中にメンバーが携わったものです。

    Against the background of the social issue of an increasing rate of deficits among health insurance associations around the country, this client newly entered the healthcare services domain in 2020. It launched SUNTORY + (Suntory Plus), a new service that supports employees in adopting healthy behavioral habits. As their design partner, we have been fully committed from the creation of the business idea to the product development and growth stages. With a digital product as our starting point, we have materialized the service vision, and, through co-creation with the client, we continue to expand the possibilities of the business.

  • 2021




    Yoro Meat is a meat company based in Yoro-cho in Gifu Prefecture. It is one of the top handlers of Hida Beef in the Tokai region and boasts high quality and a large business scale. However, on the other hand, it has been unable to fully convey its strengths in B2C in particular, leading to loss of opportunity as it has been unable to convert that quality and scale into a commensurate level of consumer purchases. We assisted this client with its rebranding, prompted by the production of a new corporate website and e-commerce site. With creative elements that convey Yoro Meat’s strengths and identity to both companies and end users and that create “reasons to buy from Yoro Meat,” we have assisted the client to capture new clientele and expand its business.

  • 2015 ~




    Yaohiko Honten is one of Nagoya’s oldest catering businesses, with a history of around 300 years. Even as customers’ values and needs have changed with the times, it has responded to those changes while preserving its traditions, and it has maintained strong support from its patrons, particularly those in middle-aged and older age groups. However, given the state of its response to the rapid digitalization trend of recent years and its forging of relationships with new clientele, achieving future growth required new and different approaches. This is where we came in with proposals for undertaking digital transformation (DX) and branding in interconnected ways. We assisted the client with business growth from the dual aspects of improving productivity and increasing net sales, delivering an outcome that also had an impact on management.

  • 2022



    ブランド5周年に合わせ、「PRESS BUTTER SAND」のブランドサイトをフルリニューアル。この時期はフレーバーや和の要素を訴求した新ラインが登場し、顧客も幅広い年代に拡大。多様なラインに共通するブランドの世界観や店舗情報などへの導線を含めて、Webサイト全体の見直しが必要なタイミングでした。そのためリニューアルでは、高いデザイン性はそのままに「ユーザーが求める情報へのアクセスのしやすさ」「新商品を随時告知できる更新性とデザイン性の両立」がポイントに。「既にいいもの」を超える提案を通して、今のブランドやビジネスにフィットしたWebサイトにアップデートしました。

    To coincide with the 5th anniversary of the brand, we undertook a complete overhaul of the PRESS BUTTER SAND brand website. At that time, with the appearance of new product ranges, featuring new flavors and Japanese elements, the customer base had expanded to encompass a wide range of age groups. This required a complete overhaul of the website to include a worldview for the brand that would be common to the diverse ranges and traffic routes that would direct site visitors to store information. For the overhaul of the site, while maintaining the high standard of design, the key points were greater ease of access to the information that users want and the achievement of both updatability and design that would enable timely notification of new products. Through proposals that went above and beyond what was “already good,” we updated the website to fit in with the current state of the company’s brand and business.

  • 2018 ~



    約100年の歴史を持つ、名古屋の枕専業メーカーであるKitamura Japan。当社が事業開発から携わった自社ブランドのプロダクトが市場を開拓、成長する一方で、企業ブランドの構築の遅れが顕在化。低価格の海外製枕の台頭やSDGs、コロナ禍により複雑化した市場で次の成長を実現するためにも、企業のメッセージやスタンスを明確に打ち出すことが求められていました。そこで、「快眠を通して、やさしい朝を届けたい」という同社の長年の理念をスローガン、ステートメントに込め、コーポレートサイトで発信。その想いと連動した、枕のリユースに関する取り組みも新たに提案し、実施においてもサポートしました。

    Kitamura Japan is a specialist pillow manufacturer based in Nagoya that has a history of around 100 years. We had been involved from the business development stage of the company’s own-brand products. That work had opened up and grown the market for those products, but it had become apparent that corporate brand building was lagging behind. In an increasingly complex market affected by the emergence of cheap imports, SDGs, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the realization of Kitamura Japan’s next stage of growth was going to require a clear communication of the company’s message and stance. To this end, we incorporated the company’s long-held philosophy of ‘Delivering a gentle morning through good sleep’ into a slogan and statement, and communicated them on the corporate website. We also proposed an initiative for the re-use of pillows in connection with that intention and provided support for its implementation.

  • 2022



    企画・コンサルティング・広告・海外展開・販売代理までクライアントやプロダクトのすべてをサポートする総合広告代理店、CIRCUS。中国現地法人の立ち上げに伴うWebサイト制作では、独特の商習慣により参入障壁の高い中国市場で渡り合っていける、同社のケイパビリティの魅力的な伝え方と、新会社スタートに相応しい期待値を上げるクリエイティブが必要とされていました。インパクトのあるデザインは狙い通り評価され、「CSS Design Awards WOTD」「FWA FOTD」「Awwwards SOTD」という三大Webアワードを受賞しています。

    CIRCUS is a general advertising agency that provides total support for clients and products from planning and consulting to advertising, overseas expansion, and sales representation. For the production of a website to coincide with the launch of its Chinese subsidiary, it required creative elements that would provide an appealing way to convey the company’s capabilities that would allow it to contend with the Chinese market, with its high barriers to entry resulting from peculiar business practices, and raise expectations becoming of the launch of a new company. Our impactful design was received in the way we hoped for and was recognized with three major web design awards, namely the CSS Design Awards WOTD, FWA FOTD, and Awwwards SOTD.

  • 2021 ~




    ACSL is a drone manufacturer founded during the dawn of the drone business. Providing platform-model solutions that enable approaches to a variety of issues on the frontlines of industry, ACSL has established a solid position in the drone industry. We have been assisting ACSL with branding to match the growth of its business, including its IPO, since the company was first founded. When ACSL first started selling drone bodies, our mission was to communicate this “sale of products” widely to the market and create a strong impression. To this end, we created the logo, website, movies, and graphic tools. We have provided across-the-board creative materials to match the corporate branding that had we had already completed. This has realized total branding that leverages the experience and trust that we have built by accompanying the company along the journey of its business growth.

  • 2021




    Synthetic data is data that is synthesized and formed with AI. This field is gradually starting to become more widespread in Japan, and as a leader in this field in Japan, DATAGRID had an issue with the mismatch between its business and core technologies and the inquiries it was receiving. Loss of opportunity was also a problem. We began this project by sorting out and clarifying the company’s core technologies and market potential. With the dual aims of expanding recognition of synthetic data and promoting DATAGRID’s technologies and business potential, we did work on the company’s corporate branding. We worked on a range of areas, from mission development to production of the logo and corporate website.

  • 2016 ~




    ACSL is a drone manufacturer founded during the dawn of the drone business. Where many of its competitors offer products, ACSL has established a unique position in the drone industry by offering platform-model solutions that enable approaches to a variety of issues on the frontlines of industry. We have been assisting ACSL with branding within its B2B strategy since the company was first founded. After gaining a deep understanding of its competitive business model, highly original technologies, including autonomous control, and the growth potential and possibilities of the market, we proposed creative materials that would match the business’s growth from the strategy stage. We have delivered everything from the corporate logo, business cards, website, and exhibition staging for the client.

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